

Get to know the service points of Misión Nevado in Miranda this weekend

Comprehensive days for pets
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 02/02/2024 04:04 PM

With the objective of providing comprehensive care for companion animals, this weekend the staff of the Nevado Mission will attend four points in the state of Miranda, as reported by the Secretary of Animal Protection of the entity's governor, Maigualida Vargas.

The pets of the Los Teques, Guatire, Cúa and Carrizal parishes will have, starting at 10:00 in the morning, medical evaluation, deworming, anti-rabies vaccination, ear cleaning, hair and nail cutting.

“The veterinary care points are set up in coordination with professionals from the Nevado Mission, who also offer nutritional and legal counseling services for families who wish to travel with their furry ones,” Vargas explained in a press release.
In the municipality of Guaicaipura, the point of attention will be in Los Teques, El Vigía community, Calle La Francesa, Consejo Comunal El Vigía Parte Alta, in front of the Monte Negro alley, near the school.

In Guatire in the Fortín de San Pedro sector, stage III, Fortaleza de José Monsalves Community Council, in the parking lot. In the municipality of Urdaneta, in the town of Cúa, the day will be held on José María Carreño street, parking lot of the Institute for Endogenous Development (Iademu), behind the Paula Correa dining room and in Carrizal in the Gran Colombia Community, UBch Simón Bolívar, a Carricito reference point.

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