

García Lorca: Genius of the greatness of theater and poetry (+Christmas)

Federico Garcia Lorca

Published at: 05/06/2024 08:00 AM

On June 5, 1898, in the city of Granada, Spain, Federico García Lorca, master of modern theater, was born, who elevated poetry with the power of his letters, capturing the complexities of the human.

In contact with the arts since his childhood, in 1915 he began studying Philosophy, Literature and Law at the University of Granada, where he was part of the meeting center for Granada's artists called “El Rinconcillo”.

Once in Madrid, he arrived at the Student Residence, where he became friends with other writers and intellectuals, with whom he began to promote his literary activity with the publication of works such as “Book of Poems” (1921) and “The Curse of the Butterfly” (1920).

His passion for theater led him to travel the world with his works, being in New York and Buenos Aires, where his works were most welcomed, which continue to be admired by all generations.

It is in Buenos Aires that García Lorca premiered his most renowned works Blood Wedding and The House of Bernarda Alba.

After this successful tour, he decided to return to his native Granada, where he was arrested by Franco's forces who, accused of being a socialist and homosexual, were shot by the right-wing extremists who ruled the Iberian nation with Francisco Franco at the head.

126 years after the birth of this revolutionary of arts and life, the world continues to vibrate with the magic and passion that Garcia Lorca left in a thousand pages written with the passion, love and strength of this angel from Granada.

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