

GAN will pay tribute to Luisa Palacios' plastic work

Thus, the National Art Gallery will welcome the month of the plastic artist.
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Published at: 02/05/2024 03:40 PM

With the purpose of welcoming you to the month of the plastic artist, the National Art Gallery (GAN) will inaugurate next Saturday, May 4, the exhibition A Transverse Look, in homage to the artist Luisa Palacios, who has been an important figure for Venezuelan cultural development.

According to information from the National Museums Foundation, the exhibition will seek to bring closer to a transversal and totalizing understanding of Venezuelan cultural development in the 20th century, through the work of Luisa Palacios.

The creation of this exhibition is conceived as a cross-sectional look at the painting of Palacios (Caracas, 1923-1990), who was one of the most inspiring and influential figures when it came to profiling the 20th century in Venezuelan culture, because, with his ability to unite wills and talents, renovating ideas and mastery of creative forces, he knew how to make a deep mark impossible to ignore in the exhibition memory of the National Art Gallery.

As part of the exhibition production to be exhibited at the Luisa Palacios exhibition. A cross-sectional view, the audience will be able to observe emblematic canvases ranging from The Boxers, 1960, where he proposes the study of the body in motion, Red Figuration, 1962 or Untitled, 1967, with marked expressionism in gesture, to the serene and balanced landscapes of the late seventies and early eighties, which conclude his pictorial production.

Among the most significant contributions of his work, we can mention the strengthening and dissemination of graphic arts, both in the creation of a personal language and in the institutional cohesion of the discipline, which is why the Graphic Arts Workshop (TAGA) played a fundamental role for national plastic art.

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