

GAN opened exhibition to pay tribute to the teacher Fruto Vivas

“Fruto Vivas unpublished”
VTV photo

Published at: 23/01/2024 08:49 AM

Unpublished Living Fruit is the title of the exhibition that the National Art Gallery (GAN) opened to commemorate the birth of the Tachirense master, who won the National Architecture Award in 1987 and deserving of multiple awards, including the special award at the XI Ibero-American Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism in 2014.

According to information from Venezolana de Televisión, the exhibition shows precepts and/or visions of a popular habitat that led him to a debate and reflection on the subject in South Korea, where his point of view converged with those of his counterpart, the Frenchman Jean Renaudie, emblematic in his native country France. It was an ambitious project like all those undertaken by Vivas, with a great social impact that would be replicated in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, among other latitudes.

I also had the deep conviction that I should promote the empowerment of the inhabitants, so that they could have resources to feed themselves and maintain their buildings, and this idea was always emphasized as part of the Great Venezuela Housing Mission (GMVV).

This iconic architect, who also explored other creative facets such as painting and drawing, said: “More important than creating beautiful buildings and cities, is creating free men.”

In this way, the National Museums Foundation (FMN), through the GAN, provides the public with that little known aspect of their brush and pencil skills, as visitors enjoyed portraits in watercolor, pastel, ink and oil, as well as freehand drawings of unpublished architectural works, among others.