

Game over! Find out why Luis Florido is taking La Sayo's body

Luis Florido, who also stole 31 million euros granted by the European Union
Photo: Internet

Published at: 04/09/2024 11:08 PM

From: Chuito Salazar López

For: My Company Diosdado

From: Artamira.

Very good night, my great brother Diosdado... Maíta and I are happy because at this restaurant we are doing better every day... and although we are always out... I take advantage of any moment to write to you...

It emerges that this time a very slutty man arrived at the restaurant, accompanied by a young lady, very beautiful by the way... this young woman called ar Señor like Luisito... he seemed familiar to me... and I immediately remembered that I had seen him in a video of “YouTube”, half naked giving himself some branches, to get rid of all the sins committed... then I investigated more thoroughly and this man was the one who embezzled some resources when he was a member of Popular Will in 2018... he traveled to different parts of the world charging him for favors A their friends to be included in a list that would later be approved as the representatives of the opposition abroad... and the G4 (UNT, PJ, AD and VP) didn't like that situation... it's Luis Florido, who also stole 31 million euros granted by the European Union... and another 16 million dollars granted by the NED of the United States, supposedly to help Venezuelan migrants... you are always right Diosdado, these people from the opposition Conspiring is a business...

The truth is that when I approached Luis “Cachetón” Florido asked me for 04 squid empanadas for him and the young lady... accompanied with some pineapple juices... while I wrote down... I saw how Luis “Cachetón” Florido spoke very closely to the girl... I could hear that a definitive divorce with Sayona is latent... because the invention of the website didn't work and because the speech was already bored... and according to Luis “Cachetón” Florido... Sayona had promised them a PLAN B and even the Right now it's not working for them... besides, everyone has their aspirations for the elections in 2025... OJO hears that Luis “Cachetón” Florido dreams of repeating as Deputy... this time for UNT, that's why he's rubbing Manuel Rosales' back...

After serving the empanadas... Luis “Cachetón” Florido lamented that “if Manuel were a candidate this wouldn't be happening...” the girl who accompanied him just looked at him and looked half cracked...

Luis “Cachetón” Florido with his mouth full... the comment came out with enthusiasm that a new alliance was already being formed to displace Sayona... and that this alliance (they are looking for the new name), was made up of UNT... the decos... er chiripero of PJ, sponsored by Henrique Capriles and there was even Dersa Solorzano herself... who, like every opportunist and after Sayona had subdued it, now this trying to get rid of it... Luis “Cachetón” Florido confessed that Dersa.

Solorzano makes a lot of calls to Manuel Rosales... after I didn't talk to him when I went to Maracaibo with Sayona... now he sends him messages almost every day... According to Luis “Cacheton” Florido... Henrique Capriles is one of those who is throwing tares into Manuel Rosales, to remove Dersa's body.

Solorzano... because they consider her a “scorer”... When you finish eating... Luis “Cachetón” Florido, he paid me with two $10 bills that were very deteriorated, I asked him to change them, but he told me he didn't have any more... I had to accept them... and they stopped leaving, without even thanking you...

Diosdado... I never hit one with these opposition people... Well, I say goodbye, wishing you a great night... Don't forget that you can write to me


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