

FUNDACITE launches scientific route in Aragua

Part of the Science Massification Plan program of the National Science Seedbeds Program
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 04/05/2024 08:30 AM

Within the framework of the Plan for Massification of Science of the National Scientific Semilleros Program, the Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology (FUNDACITE) launched scientific routes with the students of the Julio Páez and Juan Lovera National Basic School at the Dr. Arnoldo Gabaldón Institute of Higher Studies.

This project has been carried out simultaneously in the various states of the country, and has been developed thanks to the joint work of the Ministry of Science and Technology in coordination with the Ministry of Education, of everything that is the scientific route so that children and young people in educational institutions can have the opportunity to experiment in the research centers that exist in the country, according to a ministerial press report.

The Aragüeña entity offers spaces dedicated to research, such as universities, research centers, such as the Dr. Arnoldo Gabaldón Institute of Higher Studies, where children were able to educate themselves, learn, and even carry out scientific experiments that can provide children with an idea about what these careers or areas of knowledge are like.

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