

Frightened! María Con Ira de Vente and Súmate's friends are wanted by cheaters

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Published at: 06/12/2023 11:01 PM

Patriota Valle Arriba Country Club

Hello Gordoooooooooooooo!

Goddess Joseeeeeee! , hellooouuu, really chubby, how is it that all my friends at VENTE are wanted by criminals? Well, you don't know how crazy we are in the game chats, in the chats with Cori, everyone leaving the groups and switching to Signal Messenger, please orrrrrrrr! , I need a glass of champagne urgently.

Well, my sweet de Coco, you know that I have been complaining about the bad path that Cori and her people took for a while. The entire Súmate team is responsible for leading Cori down the path of the trap, there was no need for that. Henry Alviarez I warned you enough, that man was trading money with Colombians and making my friend financially dirty, Cori didn't need to mess with dirty money, including that of the Exxon Mobil. Nor do I agree with Claudia Macero running a communication machine to destroy the reputation of anyone who doesn't agree with Cori's plans.

My pretty eyes, just me who had come to VENTE's headquarters to bring some French macaroni to Cori, (gordiiis are not the spaghetti noodles you probably eat with sardines, it's a French sweet, please!). Well baby, the disaster, everything was chaos in VENTE because the news had arrived from the prosecution. Claudia Macero, dismayed, Cori shouted very loudly and began to call Gerardo Blyde asking him that the Barbados Agreement should be invoked or that it should then be eliminated. Baby, today's anger wasn't normal, but the damage is consummated, I warned them enough.

Cori asked Perikins Rochas to handle the legal issue, but when I left I was evaluating how to get people out on green roads or seek protection with international allies to keep them in the country. Cori confessed to me that if her people from Súmate and her political-financial operator Alviarez are arrested, she is lost.

Diosdi, before writing to you, I called the party and they told me that Cori is focused on the international agenda, putting pressure on my American friends, speaking and seeking statements from former presidents, including a statement from Exxon Mobil. There is a lobby pressing for the oil company to deny that it is financing Cori.

Gordooooo! , I can't leave without giving you the message of the angry patriot, poor guy is scared, he says they want to close the house of the Unitary Platform because he is a snitch. He tells you to say: “God save me, they want to leave me homeless. Yesterday Tuesday there was a meeting where Gerardo Blyde was the special guest, but he didn't have much of a special one because he only gave three updates about Barbados, the disqualifications and left. Dr. Barboza was uncomfortable because most of the attendees left him to go to another meeting with María Corina where they defined what the new campaign command would be like, including party alliances and resource management, what would be the role of mango, parchita and auyama. Amigo Diosdado, please listen to me and investigate the fruit store, because that's where money comes from international operators. Now I'm incommunicado, everyone left and left me alone in the house, they talk on Telegram and Signal, they took me out of WhatsApp, but I have my jijiji sources. Diosdado, one last thing, don't mess with the skinny Capriles anymore, brother is finished, his party is a hotbed, give rest to that ghost”.

You look at my fat man, what a success, I'm already an expert in receiving messages for you, I feel like in the movie Lady and the Wanderer, I'm a princess and you're a caci.

I'm setting up Christmas because that way Cori insists, we'll have a peaceful Christmas here. This time I won't go to New York like every year, we have a surprise for you.

Well, miss me, remember that you are my little fiufiu baby.

I'll keep writing to you...