Four GPP parties registered Nicolás Maduro as presidential candidate for re-election

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Published at: 22/03/2024 02:22 PM
The political parties Patria Para Todos (PPT), Movimiento Somos Venezuela, Alliance for Change and the Green Party, members of the Great Patriotic Pole, registered Nicolás Maduro before the National Electoral Council (CNE) as a candidate for the presidential elections on July 28.
In this regard, Ilenia Medina, national secretary of the PPT, indicated that this organization chose Maduro as its standard-bearer because of his humility, because he has been able to defend the sovereignty, resources, peace and truth of our country.
“That deserves the support of the People, regardless of their political positions,” he said.
For her part, Vanessa Montero, a member of the We Are Venezuela Movement, assured that this political tent is deeply committed to democracy, so they have decided to support President Maduro's aspiring to re-election in the coming elections.
“We reaffirm the leadership of President Maduro, who has exalted the flags of Venezuelan youth and women, always protecting us in the face of adversity,” he stressed.
In the same way, Ricardo Sánchez, as representative of the Alliance for Change party, stressed that this organization supports the re-election of the Head of State because of the efforts made by him to recover economic growth in our country.
“July 28 is the commitment so that good Venezuelans can make every effort to restore confidence in the ways of doing politics,” he stressed.
Meanwhile, Erick Rangel, member of the Green Party, stressed that July 28 is a unique opportunity for the country to leave behind political conflicts and ratify the democratic and peaceful character of the People.
It is important to note that this Thursday the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) and Podemos also registered the current Head of State as their flag bearer.
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