

Foreign Minister Yván Gil: Venezuela's democracy is the most robust in our continent

Minister of Foreign Affairs Yván Gil

Published at: 01/04/2024 04:18 PM

The Minister of Popular Power for Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, Yván Gil, held an extraordinary meeting this Monday with the Diplomatic Corps accredited in the country, in order to report on the progress of the presidential electoral process, scheduled for July 28.

From the Casa Amarilla Antonio José de Sucre in Caracas, he specified that the meeting was held with the aim of transmitting the reality of what is happening in Venezuela and counteracting the false information matrices generated by international agencies, which “are fundamentally enemies of Venezuela and have been exploited for 25 years against the nation.”

“We are going to be doing these days on a customary basis so that the truth of Venezuela can be heard and against the attacks that come, fundamentally, from the United States and that are orchestrated to undermine our sovereignty, to attack our electoral system.”

During the meeting, the foreign minister explained to the Diplomatic Corps the schedule for the presidential elections that was set on March 5, while assuring that “the process of nominating candidates has been carried out in accordance with national law, law and election regulations.” In addition, the issue of international support was addressed. With regard to the different candidacies, the Chancellor pointed out that “we have 13 candidates, 37 political organizations, 100% of the political organizations registered a candidate for these elections (...) the opposition has never before had so many options to exercise their right to vote”.

In this regard, he stressed that the upcoming electoral process “is the election with the greatest plurality we have seen in recent years (...) that is democracy, Venezuelan democracy; it is the most robust democracy in our continent, it is a leading participatory democracy”.

Finally, the head of Venezuelan Foreign Affairs said that “we have committed ourselves to ambassadors, ambassadors and business managers to advance precisely this route in order to be able to give them real information on a daily basis, which can be opposed to the biased information that we are trying to build in the media, especially the international news agencies that are instruments of the attack on Venezuela.”

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