

Foreign Minister Yván Gil collects proposals in La Guaira to advance Geopolitical Transformation

The Chancellor explained that they discussed “the fundamental lines of discussion of what has to do with the seventh line of transformation”

Published at: 08/02/2024 05:26 PM

In the state of La Guaira, the Minister of Popular Power for Foreign Affairs, Yván Gil, participated this Thursday in an assembly for Geopolitical Transformation, within the framework of the seven transformations (7T) necessary for the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, promoted by President Nicolás Maduro.

At the end of the activity, held in the Hemicycle of Plaza Bolívar Chávez, on the Litoral, the Chancellor explained that they discussed, together with the political vanguard of La Guaira, “the fundamental lines of discussion of what has to do with the seventh line of transformation, geopolitical transformation (...) it has been a truly very enriching debate,” he said.

He noted that, during the assembly, some guidelines were applied for “action in each of the communities, for example the relevance of the connection between regional geopolitics, local geopolitics, and global geopolitics. We have seen the historical review of the progress of Bolivarian Peace Diplomacy, depending on the need and the challenges posed to us for the next cycle, which is 2024-2030,” he explained.

“We are convinced that these discussions, these hundreds of meetings that are taking place in all communities, in all neighborhoods (...) will make it possible to draw up the 2024-2030 Homeland Plan, to bring our country to what the Bolivarian project really is, a great regional power, a grassroots power, an economic power, a social power,” said Gil.

The Minister stated that proposals were put forward in the different axes of action, such as economic, social, environmental, organizational and migratory. “These are really very interesting proposals that we are going to be seeing in the final document that will be presented to our president and leader Nicolás Maduro.”

The Governor of the entity, José Alejandro Terán, stressed that this “is a qualitatively very important assembly, which we needed to listen to them in order to have more clarity tools that will allow us to carry out an operation, a auction”.

Regarding the Geopolitical Transformation, the state president recalled the anti-imperialist vision of the Liberator Simon Bolivar to understand the concept: “Bolívar said that there could be no empire on the planet and he believed rather in a world of balance, that must be understood, that is key to understanding geopolitics and our ideology and on what side we who believe that a better world is possible are located”.