

Foreign Minister Gil congratulates the People of Nicaragua on their Day of National Dignity

Foreign Minister of the Nation spoke from the social network X
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 04/05/2024 11:02 AM

“Long live the dignity of free peoples! The people of Bolivar and Sandino who rebel against the Monroe Doctrine!” This is how the Minister of Popular Power for Foreign Affairs, Yván Gil, expressed himself on the social network X.

From his digital user, he said, on behalf of the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, he sent congratulations to the Head of State of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega and his people.

On behalf of President @NicolasMaduro, we extend our congratulations to comrades Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo, as well as to the brotherly Nicaraguan people, in commemoration of the Day of National Dignity. This day marks 97 years since General Sandino refused to sign the Black Hawthorn Pact, which endangered national sovereignty, and rose up in rebellion against invading American troops,” he said.

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