

For their historic fight! National Executive commemorates 200 years since the granting of Mexican citizenship to the Liberator

Bicentenary of the appointment of Bolivar as a Mexican citizen
Photo @NicolasMaduro

Published at: 17/03/2024 10:20 AM

This Sunday, March 17, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, commemorated the 200th anniversary of the granting of Mexican citizenship to the Liberator Simon Bolivar.

“We celebrate 200 years since the historic event in which the nascent Republic of Mexico conferred the title of Mexican citizen on our father Libertador Simón Bolívar, as a recognition of his heroic struggle for emancipation and Latin American union,” said the National Executive on the social network X.

It is important to note that on March 17, 1824, the Constituent Congress of Mexico granted the Father of the Fatherland, Simon Bolivar, the citizenship of that country to recognize his struggle for the Independence of America from the Spanish Empire.

Bolívar received Mexican citizenship through the approval of the proposal of the deputy of the Congress of the United Mexican States, Fray Servando Teresa de Mier, who proposed that El Libertador should be recognized for his libertarian feat as a citizen of all the republics of America, starting with the Mexican republic.

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