

FITP 2024 the curtain rises this Thursday at the National Theater in Caracas

Venezuela International Progressive Theater Festival

Published at: 19/03/2024 03:03 PM

This Thursday, March 21, the International Progressive Theater Festival of Venezuela (FITP) 2024 opens at the National Theater located in downtown Caracas, with free admission, starting at 4:00pm.

According to information from the Ministry for Culture, “Antigone” will be the opening play of the event and will be led by the group Impulso Teatro, from Cuba, the country honored this year.

Also in this third edition, FITP 2024 will pay tribute to the first Venezuelan actress, Aura Rivas, with the play “Aura in Four Times” and the exhibition “The Theater Has Aura”, two projects by the National Theater Company (CNT) to pay tribute to the artist's 90 years of life, of which 75 are on stage.

Recall that, in total, there are 20 invited countries, specifically, Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Congo, Spain, India, Italy, Mexico, Palestine, Tunisia, Dominican Republic, Russia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, South Africa and Uruguay.

In addition, this year, FITP 2024 will bring not only theater plays, but also street, children's and community theater, training activities, special events and activities throughout the country. The call is for the entire population to join this theatrical festival, which will take place during Holy Week, from this Thursday, March 21 to Sunday, March 31 of the same month.

From now on, you can check the entire festival program through social networks. On Instagram and X such as @fesitpven, and on the website, through which you can also purchase tickets for each of the performances at a cost of 110 bolivars for international works and 80 bolivars for national works.