

First ophthalmic surgical day of 2024 in Anzoátegui will treat 45 patients

The Government is making progress in actions that benefit the People

Published at: 05/02/2024 01:35 PM

The government of Anzoátegui held the first ophthalmological day of 2024, to respond to the requests of the 1x10 system of Good Governance.

According to the information issued by this entity, the activity was carried out at the headquarters of IPASME, where patients with cataracts will be treated.

In this regard, the Secretary General of Government, Katiuska Homsi, stressed that the day is possible thanks to the alliance between the Miracle Mission and the regional executive led by the governor, Luis José Marcano.

Homsi, verified the patients' preoperative process, while specifying that the surgical cycle begins with the care of 45 people out of 468 who were actually recruited last week, said that the goal is to intervene on about a thousand people in the next three weeks.

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