

First National President signs China-Venezuela Air Services Act Agreement

A new Con Maduro+ program
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 13/05/2024 07:27 PM

During his Con Maduro+ program, President Nicolás Maduro signed the China-Venezuela Air Services Law Agreement on Monday, May 13.

China and Venezuela will be united forever,” he emphasized, adding that the signing of such agreements strengthens the bonds of friendship, brotherhood and working together.

“For the first time, this agreement has been made between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to establish direct air services to promote tourism,” he said.

He indicated that this instrument ratifies the principles of international cooperation with direct flights between the two nations to avoid events such as the hijacking of the EMTRASUR plane.

In mid-April, Venezuela and China formalized protocols for the start of commercial flights between the two nations. It is expected that soon the Venezuelan Consortium of Aeronautical Industries and Air Services (CONVIASA) will implement the airlift to facilitate exchange between the two peoples, with the guarantee of good service and comfort.

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