

First electron microscopy laboratory inaugurated in Venezuela

The TM4100 microscope, for mineralogical analysis

Published at: 23/05/2024 10:44 PM

At the Scientific Center of Sarteneja, Baruta, Miranda state, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela's advanced electron microscopy laboratory for mineralogical analysis and other materials was inaugurated, placing the country at the top of advances in electron microscope systems in South America, as it is the first in the region.

In this regard, the director of the Center for Materials Technology, Miriam Suárez, of the Engineering Institute Foundation for Research and Technological Development, explained that material analysis is essential for scientific and technological development in any country.

“We are inaugurating this space with the TM4100 microscope, for mineralogical analysis, and in addition, it has software to analyze shooting traces, which is very important, since it will allow us to determine the composition of the projectile, and if it really corresponds to the weapon in question, remotely”, Suárez.

For his part, the director of the Engineering Institute Foundation, Víctor Hugo Cano, indicated that in the country there is already a special microscope for the scientific seedbed with this technology, “so that they go to school, and once and for all boys and girls, can train in this cutting-edge technology.”

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