

Find your retirement fund! Find out about Inmundo's new plans where La Sayona doesn't appear

González Urruria hands “the racket to several businessmen selling them the story that President Maduro is fallen”

Published at: 25/09/2024 11:14 PM

September 25, 2024.

Casa- Palacio del Conde de Cedillo - Salamanca neighborhood, near Paseo de la Castellana, one block from Crazy Leo's house, The Golden Mile, Madrid.


I read my friend Diosdado! How are you? We're still here in Madrid taking advantage of this cloudy day to do some shopping in El Corte Inglés, you know that people like me, when they need to clear their minds go shopping in fine stores, I suppose you go shopping at the Flea Market.

What a strong man! What's happening here with Inmundo González is too dirty. Last week I told you that the man in question settled in the house that Miguel Henrique Otero has very close to here and where I am staying. Edmundo went to conspire and design what will be the new onslaught of Venezuelan extremism against the Venezuelan people and the Bolivarian Revolution.

Brother! , now the supposedly coerced man has joined the club of Venezuelan hammerheads who live here in Spain to pass the racket to various businessmen selling them the story that President Maduro is fallen, that he is very weakened and that in Venezuela the transition is about to begin. The final part of the story includes a scene where Edmundo González assured these businessmen that he has everything ready to return to Venezuela and be sworn in as president, but damn Diosdado! You tell me, this old man is freaking out in his madness. By the way, the businessmen were brought to the meeting by Antonieta Jurado, Leopoldo López Gil and some lobbyists from the Spanish extreme right who are connected to the Popular Party and Vox.

Venezuelans inside and outside the country should know that behind all this operation of deception and false promises, Inmundo González wants to secure his retirement fund, just as Guaidó and his family did. Besides that, Inmundo seeks to become financially independent from La Sayo because the relationship between the two is increasingly tense. Brother! , believe it or not, the time change and the distance prevent María Violencia from having the absolute control she once had over Inmundo. Goddess! , I confirm that Inmundo started playing his own game and María Corina is not in any of the equations.


Bro! Inmundo González backfired for his cheap show about the alleged coercion he experienced at the Spanish embassy in Caracas, because all he succeeded in was triggering an internal crisis in Spanish politics. His false statements were used as a flag by local extreme rightists to attack the Spanish government in a ruthless way, and as expected, Inmundo was called to chapter.

The Spanish government conveyed its dissatisfaction to Inmundo González for his unresponsible attitude, since it was Inmundo himself who asked the Spanish ambassador in Caracas to facilitate the meeting with Jorge and Delcy Rodríguez, in addition to the support to leave the country. For this reason, Inmundo found himself in the need to publish a statement denying having received pressure at the Spanish embassy, something that obviously displeased him and generated an intense fight with La Sayo.


Brother! The chaos that exists within the opposition is worthy of a Netflix series. Diosdado, just 48 hours before public opinion found out about Edmundo González's “tricks”, there was a zoom meeting between Inmundo, María Corina and the members of La Pupú. Brother! , at that meeting Edmundo deceived them and did not mention a word about the agreements he had signed, much less about the alleged coercion of which he claims to have been a victim, so there is no statement to support Edmundo's show, because no one believes him.


Bro! , our dear friend La Charlotte called me from New York in the middle of the UN General Assembly. You know that this space is useless, but it works as an excuse to feed the show of an International Community that cares very little about humanity, but rather its interests.

La Charlotte told me that a strong lobby is under way by La Sayo and her henchmen in the United States to apply, in the coming weeks, a round of sanctions to the Venezuelan economy and the country's main state industries. The La Sayo international team is looking for allies in the hemisphere with the objective of pressuring and demanding from Biden a tougher position against Venezuela, but the Americans are trying to avoid actions that affect the oil sector and the economy, all the more so when there are leaders in the region who, even if they are allies of the extreme right, have warned that returning to the policy of maximum pressure would only cause more migration and chaos.

The truth is that October has arrived and the Biden administration is focused on Kamala's presidential campaign, so we will see more strongly the contradictions between the State Department and the White House when referring to Venezuela.


Bro! , one thing that La Charlotte told me is that, in Washington, D.C., the rascal of Eligio Cedeño, who is lobbying for Inmundo González to achieve his recognition as elected president of Venezuela, and in turn, to raise resources for the supposed “liberation of Venezuela”.

But behind this move by Eligio there is a very personal economic interest. As he did in the past with Juan Guaidó, Eligio wants to get Edmundo González recognized in exchange for one of Inmundo's first decisions to recognize an alleged debt of 300 million dollars that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela supposedly has for alleged damages in favor of Eligio Cedeño.

In the past, Eligio offered this same plan to Guaidó and even offered that if he signed the recognition of the debt as “Interim President”, Eligio Cedeño would give him a significant sum of money for the Venezuelan opposition. At the time, Guaidó went along with the matter, not because of good people, but because he was already committed to other bankers.

In Washington, D.C., they are watching Eligio Cedeño's actions with suspicion, and in Miami several actors are beginning to maneuver to sever the relationship between Eligio and Inmundo González, and I'll be telling you new details soon.


Bro! , a tremendous scandal broke out today around the platform ¡Ya Casi Venezuela! following statements made by Gustavo Lainnette, one of the political operators of Voluntad Popular, and Leopoldo López in Miami. Lainett reported that a group of scammers are taking advantage of the situation to profit from the situation in Venezuela. Next week I will tell you in detail who those characters Lainette is referring to are. In this regard, our friend, La Charlotte, has warned me that it would not be strange if in the coming weeks criminal investigations could take place in the United States against these citizens for the commission of several crimes, including money laundering.

I will continue to be active from Madrid, I am reviewing who are the first unwary to donate money to Inmundo González for his personal cause. Goddess! Pending that the conspiracy continues, but we will win.

Remember that I am your friend Fitness, Fine and Important, Change and Out!