

Find out which sections of the Gran Cacique Guaicaipura highway will be closed starting this Wednesday

One of the accesses that will be restricted is from the statue of the Grand Chief Guaicaipura
Photo: Internet

Published at: 28/02/2024 08:51 AM

This Thursday, February 29, several sections of the Gran Cacique Guaicaipura highway, in Caracas, will remain closed due to the great mobilization called by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the declaration, by Commander Hugo Chávez Frías, of our country as an anti-imperialist nation.

According to information provided by the National Institute of Transportation and Land Transit (INTTT) in its X account, the road closure will begin this Wednesday starting at 9 pm and will take place in the following sections:

- At the height of the emblematic statue of the Indian that gives this road its name (Direction Caricuao).

- Avenida Bolívar con Sur 17 (at the height of the Children's Museum).

- Incorporation to the GCG Highway, from Bolívar and Lecuna avenues (Address Plaza Venezuela).

- La Araña Distributor (From El Paraíso to Plaza Venezuela, direction Petare).

- Lower part of the Valle-Coche Highway at the height of the Stadiums (Direction Caricuao).

In addition, the INTTT explained that cargo transport vehicles will be parked between Los Ruices and Chacaito, east-west (Petare-Caricuao), so it called on drivers to take precautions and be attentive to the instructions of public security bodies.

Mazo News Team