

Find out! María Corina and Juan Pablo Guanipa try to divide PJ (+treason)

Opponents Juan Pablo Guanipa and María Corina Machado
Internet photo

Published at: 13/12/2023 09:59 PM

December 13, 2023

Maracaibo, Santa Lucia sector, diagonal to Pa' Que Luis, in the red house, with a white gate, which has a sign with the eyes of Chávez and the face of Maduro.

Patricio El Maracucho

What was God given, how are you my son?

Look, before I start throwing the atomic bombs I must thank you because this year that ends I achieved a purpose in life, to have a good friend to tell things to and that friend doesn't tell anyone anything, you are the best.

Diosdado, mom sent me to ask you that if you received the egg cookies that people who visit you in El Mazo made for you and for you, they are a verguero of cookies, mom spent the whole weekend making them for you, she made them with plenty of goat's milk and gizzards, as you like them. Mom says that if you can, eat the egg cookies with coffee with milk so that you can enjoy more. She says that she loves you very much, that you behave well so that the baby Jesus brings you something.

Oh God, put your seatbelt on because you're going to go crazy.

On Thursday, after having had 4 hot dogs, 2 malts and 2 cups of coffee for breakfast at the Melo booth, in Francisco de Miranda, I grabbed my motorcycle taxi and went up to the headquarters of Vente Venezuela.

When I arrived at the headquarters of Vente and entered the meeting room, some screams were heard, I was scared at once, you know that I suffer from nerves, when I enter Sayo is talking on video call with Jesús María Casal. María Corina formed a shambles for her because she says that because of him, the Turk Abdul, the one from SÚMATE, is imprisoned, who was the one who had known everything to the Attorney General.

Well Diosdado, Casal didn't keep that and the yoyo went away, he told Sayo that the only culprit is her because she was the one who had the idea of adding the 2 million votes to the results of the primaries, besides, she was the one who gave the order for SÚMATE to take control of the election. The conversation ended when Sayo told her to think about something, a strategy, because if the ship sank it was with everyone inside.

Brother, after María Corina stopped talking to Casal, she locked herself in her personal office and began to scream, saying that she had been betrayed and left alone in all this gibberish. At the time he left his office and we started the political committee with very few people. Diosdado after the release of the arrest warrant for Henry Alviarez, Claudia Macero and Pedro Urruchurtu tu tu tu, most of VENTE's leaders left WhatsApp groups and no longer come to political committees.

Look Diosdado, if things go on like this I will seriously think about moving to the party for 2024, the problem would be for which one? , if almost all of the opposition parties are discarded. Mom raised a humble but honest man, I don't want to get upset.

Primo, until this time that I am writing to you, Sayo maintains her position of not going to the Supreme Court, the last thing she said to Ambassador Palma de Coco is that this would get her in trouble with Colombian financiers, miameros and also with those of ExxonMobil because, if they legitimate the Supreme Court for this, then they will have to comply with any ruling. La Sayo insists that she doesn't need that from the Supreme Court because she will achieve a critical mass (she didn't say if made of BREAD flour or wheat flour) to support her on the street to take power.

Diosdado, in another galaxy, mijo put on batteries, the pact between Juan Pablo Guanipa (alias Tequeño crude) and Sayo to divide Primero Justicia and give her all their support, is consummated. María Corina has said that she doesn't want anything with Chatarrita Capriles, that she doesn't see herself in a photo with him after everything that has happened, so it's vital that Tequeño Crudo stays with Primero Justicia. Look, Diosdado didn't tell me that. I was there and I listened to the conversation. María Corina herself asked that if she had to leave María Beatriz (fictitious president of PJ) in the fill, to do it, but to divide the party. Vergación Diosdado no one is going to tell me stories about the Guanipa brothers because those pussies are from around here, but I have the question of what Tomás Pamperito is going to do as you tell him, will he stay on Chatarrita's side?

A little bomb that came to me unintentionally, is that Gilbert Caro and Gustavo Lainette are turning to crazy Leopoldo because since the elementary school no more copper has been passed on him, which supposedly are already squaring up with a Sayo financier who owns some Mercedes-Benz dealers in Caracas, cousin I already gave you the clue, Patrick now has his informants.

Good God, so you know that I am working hard to win over your friend, Sifri. Although she says that I am more ordinary than a halaca tied with teipe, I already feel that deep down she is in love with me and I with her. In the meantime I'm still dieting, instead of eating six hot dogs I'm eating four and instead of a two-liter Bigcola I drink a one-liter one.

Diosdado, you're not going to tell mom about me with your friend, that's my personal life and I don't want her to know, I only tell you these things because you're my brother and I know you're not going to tell anyone. With egg crackers, tell the people who go to your show that they belong to a friend of yours who loves you, they may not know that I exist, but I do know about them.

Well brother, I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year, I'll let you know if I'm going to get cold for the Furrial, I'll bring you halacas mollejúas and the Cocuy de Penca that you like so much. Diosdado I love you more than a mixed patacón with au gratin cheese, arepa de agüita de sapo, passed with very cold guarapo from Panela.

What I love you is dick brother.