

FIIDT President: Cybersecurity is a determining factor in protecting national sovereignty

Information Security Congress
Photo: Social Network X

Published at: 14/05/2024 03:39 PM

This Tuesday, May 14, the president of the Institute of Engineering Foundation for Research and Technological Development (FIIDT) of the Ministry of People's Power for Science and Technology, Francisco Durán, during his participation in the Information Security Congress (CONSI), assured that Venezuela is going through a political moment marked by foreign aggression exercised through unilateral coercive measures and sanctions, so cybersecurity is a determining factor for protect national sovereignty.

During his presentation “Electronic Certification and Confidentiality”, he explained that cybersecurity grew 12% in 2021, 13% 2023 and is expected to grow 14% by 2024. “Expenditures in the world of information security exceed the total Gross Domestic Products for a year in many Latin American countries,” reports the Ministry of People's Power for Science and Technology.

Regarding certification and electronic signature in Venezuela, Durán explained that the Venezuelan State has a legal framework that allowed the development of information security policies through national platforms.

“In 2001, we already had relevant legislation that allowed one very important thing, that these issues of computer security, is a cultural conception,” he said.

For this reason, he stated that “our IT culture is the one that must allow the use and care through the security of information in all these aspects”.

He specified that recently, the Supreme Court of Justice issued a decree that guarantees that the files can be signed electronically.

“Data and signatures have been legally effective in Venezuela for a long time,” Durán said. At the same time, he added that, however, the use of paper is still of interest in Latin America, as part of its culture, to certify and trust these processes.

“Security is part of the very human process of our culture,” he said. In this regard, it invited the recipients of electronic signatures and certificates to create a culture of information security.

He recalled the importance of advancing electronic certification and the trust of these processes for nations. “The Congress must serve to continue to make ourselves literate.”

“We have made two or three laws to simplify administrative procedures and more and more we have more procedures. President Nicolás Maduro has called for it very strongly, I think it is our responsibility to provide the culture and infrastructure necessary so that aspects like this, just a tool that is electronic signatures, can help us to simplify administrative procedures in the country,” said Durán.

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