Festivities of the Monkey will light up Caicara de Maturín this Saturday

Traditional Monkey Festivities in Monagas Traditional Monkey Festivities in Monagas
Traditional Monkey Festivities in Monagas
VTV photo

Con El Mazo Dando 11 años

Published at: 27/12/2024 01:33 PM

This Saturday, December 28, Caicara de Maturín will once again become the cultural capital of Monagas with the traditional Monkey Festivities.

The organizers of this festival in the municipality of Cedeño prepared an extensive program that promises to enhance the cultural roots of the people of Caicareño and offer visitors the opportunity to enjoy this popular celebration in eastern Venezuela.

The program began last Thursday with a gastronomic fair in front of the Caicara Monodrome, and will run until this Friday, starting at 7 p.m. Locals and visitors will be able to enjoy the presentation of folk and dance groups.

In addition, at 03:00 p.m., the traditional parade of the moneras parrandas will take place along Bermúdez Avenue. At 5 p.m., a thanksgiving mass will be held for the good development of the festivities and in honor of the deceased moneros.

In addition, starting at 7 p.m., there will be more performances by folk and dance groups at the Monodrome, a space set up by the regional government for major cultural shows.

For Saturday, December 28, the central day of the celebration, starting at 9 am; the monera parties will take place in the streets and avenues of Caicara. Between 7 and 8 pm, the Monkey Dance and the Popular Night will take place.

It is important to note that safety will be guaranteed by 900 Polimonagas, Fire and Civil Protection officers, who will protect residents and visitors during the activity.