

Feria del Cardumen benefited residents of Caracas

Cardumen Fair in Caracas
VTV photo

Published at: 17/03/2024 08:47 AM

This Saturday, March 16, residents of Caracas benefited from the Cardumen Fair, which took place in La Hoyada, Venezuelan Television review.

During the day, they sold different marine items at solidarity prices to comply with the instructions issued by the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, to bring seafood to Venezuelan homes and provide a better quality of life for the people.

Citizen Ibeth López said: “I think it's an excellent day in an accessible area, so that everyone can arrive and buy, the precise ones are really quite good. This is precisely why these days are wonderful. Suddenly they are not permanent, for logistical reasons, but that they are biweekly”.

It is important to note that during this Fair, residents of the states of Miranda and La Guaira also benefited, who suggested that these days be brought to communities of those entities and at the same time thanked President Maduro for his attention to the people.

VTV/Mazo News Team