

FAO and Venezuela define a concrete agenda for action in food regulatory processes

During the meeting at the headquarters of the Ministry of People's Power of National Trade

Published at: 27/03/2024 06:20 PM

The Ministry of Popular Power for National Trade and its affiliated entity, the Deconcentrated Service for Standardization, Quality, Metrology and Technical Regulations (SENCAMER), held a meeting with the Venezuelan ambassador to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Marilyn Di Luca, in order to define a concrete agenda of action regarding the regulatory and regulatory processes of foods that affect the well-being of the Venezuelan population.

The information was released by the ministerial body, in its account of the social network X, in which Di Luca reported that “we came to the headquarters of the Ministry of People's Power of National Trade thanks to the invitation of authorities from this office, with the objective of making progress in terms of food production and agri-food experiences in the world”.

He indicated that these processes of food regulations and regulations are part of what is contemplated in the Food Codex Commission, which consist of protecting consumer health and facilitating international food trade.

He also reiterated the establishment of links, to cover food actions in Venezuela. “We must assume the Codex Venezuela to ratify our commitment to continue working for the food welfare of the people,” said the Venezuelan ambassador to the FAO.

During the meeting, the Deputy Minister of Purchasing Policies and National Content, Carmen González, highlighted the effort and commitment being carried out by the Ministry of Popular Power of National Commerce, to establish a road map with “a view to the diversification of consumption in the Venezuelan population.”

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