

FANB supports President Maduro's policies to recognize workers (+statement)

The FAB confirms its absolute support for its commander in chief, Nicolás Maduro Moros
Photo; Internet

Published at: 01/05/2024 10:22 AM

The Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) strongly supports the policies implemented by President Nicolás Maduro to recognize and give fair value to workers, true builders of a free, sovereign and independent homeland, said Defense Minister G/J Vladimir Padrino López.

In a statement issued on the occasion of the commemoration of International Workers' Day, the senior military official praised the commitment, commitment and perseverance of the Venezuelan working mass, who have made difficulties an opportunity for progress.

Below is the full statement:

In the midst of the complex circumstances that have historically shaped labor relations in the world, we are now 138 years after the events in Chicago, when courageous factory workers decided to raise their voices against capitalist exploitation, demanding the just reduction of the working day to 8 hours and improvements in their living conditions. This rebellion, triggered on May 1, 1886, was repelled with deplorable acts of violence and repression, but it also became a real engine of struggles against the dominant system.

Always evoking the example of those martyrs and the high sacrifices of the working class on a global scale, today we commemorate International Workers' Day, while reaffirming our determination to continue promoting the transformation of neoliberal economic logics, for more just, equitable and humane ones, as established by our Organic Law on Labor, Workers (LOTTT), a legacy of the Bolivarian Revolution that has made it possible to dignify those who truly forge day by day, with their physical and spiritual effort , the prosperity and supreme social happiness that our beautiful Nation deserves.

From the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, we exalt the commitment, commitment and perseverance of the Venezuelan working mass, especially that of the defense sector, which, despite being subject to multidimensional forms of economic aggression, has made difficulties an opportunity for progress. For this reason, we strongly support the policies implemented by our Commander in Chief Nicolás Maduro Moros, who, honoring his status as Workers' President, recognizes and attaches fair value to the true builders of a free, sovereign and independent Homeland.



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Vladímir Padrino López

General in Chief

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