FANB rejects illegal actions against Venezuelan migrants

MPPD Press

Published at: 21/03/2025 08:20 PM
The Minister of Popular Power for Defense, General in Chief Vladímir Padrino López, denounced that at an international level there is an attempt to criminalize Venezuelan migration and turn it into a crime when this phenomenon exists as a result of the same pressures that have sought to undermine peace in Venezuela.
“How many migrants have we received with solidarity here in Venezuela, so that they can live a happy life in our country and constitute their families, their business units, their ways of life and will be integrated into the Venezuelan community as one big family? We, at the FANB, have been watching very carefully and cautiously what is happening at the geopolitical level, because at times like these, all the wonders of evil come out to attack us and to completely annihilate international law,” he asked during the awards to military and non-military personnel, for the 79th Anniversary of the Office of the Comptroller General of the FANB, 16th Anniversary of the Deputy Ministry of Defense Services, 16th Anniversary of the Deputy Ministry of Defense Education and International Day of Physician.
The Sectorial Vice President for Political Sovereignty, Security and Peace, assured that “beyond political and ideological differences, beyond the hegemonisms that are imposed on the world to subdue the weakest, we must meet again in reconciliation as human beings, as humanity and work for the common good, for solidarity and brotherhood between peoples”.
During the ceremony, he highlighted the faith, unity and commitment to the homeland of the honorees who, at the time, held the reins in a dignified manner to these military institutions, so he asked for a moment of reflection and thanked the men and women who have dedicated their lives to the service of defense, education in our country and transparency in the proper administration of resources within the FANB, thus highlighting their fundamental role in building a more just and supportive society, reaffirming the commitment to defense and our nation's education.
This is the appropriate act, to award the Supreme Commander award, National Defense Order, Knight Degree, Colonel Manuela Sáenz Medal, Distinguished Services of the Ministry of Popular Power for Defense, Medal of Honor of Merit of the Office of the Comptroller General of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces and the Button of Honor of Merit of the Popular Ministry for Defense, for their laudable contribution to the institution.
In addition, the highest military authority congratulated the worthy institutions on their anniversaries and called for maintaining national union, leaving aside differences, since the greatness of peoples is measured by their union, in spirit, in conscience and patriotism, he said.
Let us remember that the Deputy Ministry of Defense Services and the Deputy Ministry of Defense Education were proud on March 12, when they commemorated their 16th anniversary, marking more than a decade and a half of uninterrupted service to the Nation and to the Integral Defense of our country, highlighting their continued commitment to the training and comprehensive education of the members of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces and the people.
Finally, the Office of the Comptroller General of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), whose creation dates back to March 13, 1946, also commemorated its 79th anniversary, a significant milestone in the history of the institution, reaffirming its commitment to remain a fundamental pillar in the construction of an Armed Force
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