

FANB dismantled 84 illegal mining structures in southern Venezuela

The structures served as clandestine shelters and logistic warehouses for environmental depredation and mining, Hernández Lárez said.

Published at: 06/06/2024 09:39 PM

The commander of the Strategic Operational Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (CEOFANB), G/J Domingo Hernández Lárez, reported the location and dismantling of 84 illegal mining structures located in the southern jungle of Venezuela, an action that was carried out as part of Operation Caura 2024.

Through his account on the social network X, he specified that the citadel-like invasion of illegal mining lacked all kinds of services and was a polluting factor in the middle of the jungle, made up of 84 structures, which served as clandestine accommodations and logistic warehouses for environmental depredation and open-pit mining in a national security area.

Hernández Lárez referred to a set of legal instruments and security and defense plans that justify this operation, by establishing the national duty to conserve national parks and monuments; as well as forest, water and biological reserves.

He also mentioned that the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Fifth Strategic Objective of the Homeland Plan, the 7 T, the Land Management Act, the Environment Act and the Water Act.

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