

FANB disables invading aircraft from Mexico

Published at: 25/01/2024 05:44 PM

The head of the Strategic Operational Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (CEOFANB), G/J Domingo Hernández Lárez, pointed out about the immobilization and disabling on the ground of an invading aircraft from Cozumel-Mexico.

The operation was carried out in the Catatumbo municipality of the state of Zulia where the presence of a twin-engine Gulfstream aircraft, white color, license plates V3-GRS, was detected, which entered the national airspace with the transponder turned off and without permission from the Maiquetía FIR.

Faced with these irregularities, it was reported that the Western Bolivarian Shield defense plan was activated to destroy the hostile aircraft. It is presumed that it was used by transnational groups to traffic drugs and weapons on the national border.

Hernández explained that the FANB has all the necessary technology to make our country an impregnable territory and, in turn, to react immediately to any unauthorized entry.

“Venezuela is a land of peace and the scourge of drug trafficking, terrorism and organized crime is being fought daily! For us, the homeland comes first! , said the commander of the CEOFANB in his account on the social network X.

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