

FANB destroyed two laboratories with more than 9,000 kilos of cocaine in Zulia

The procedures were brought to the order of the Public Prosecutor's Office
Photo: GNB

Published at: 09/02/2024 12:27 PM

Members of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), within the framework of the Bolivarian Shield operation “Lightning of Catatumbo 2024", destroyed two laboratories for the processing of cocaine hydrochloride located in the Semprún municipality of the state of Zulia.

In this regard, the Strategic Operational Commander of the FANB, GJ. Domingo Hernández Lárez, explained that in the first laboratory, 6,200 kg of cocaine hydrochloride were incinerated and two instruments called Martians were destroyed, two dragons, eight microwaves, two hammers, packaging material, two molds, six scales, two power plants, two draining pans with 15 holes each, two hydraulic presses, four molds, two rudimentary drying ovens. In addition, 1,100 liters of acetone, 800 liters of gasoline, 240 liters of sulfuric acid, 350 liters of hydrochloric acid, 20 kg of caustic soda and 50 kg of potassium permanganate were incinerated.

While in the second laboratory, 2,400 kg of cocaine hydrochloride, 400 liters of acetone, 200 liters of gasoline, 120 liters of sulfuric acid, 120 liters of hydrochloric acid, 150 kg of lime, 80 kg of urea and 15 kg of potassium permanganate were incinerated.

In addition, another so-called Martian instrument was destroyed, a dragon, five microwaves, a marking, packaging material, two molds, two scales, an electrical plant, two draining trays with five holes each, a hydraulic press and two molds.

“The laboratories are attributed to Colombian Armed Drug Trafficking Terrorist groups (TANCOL) that cross the border taking advantage of Venezuelan wastelands and forest areas under special natural protection,” Hernández Lárez explained.

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