

FANB destroyed a boat used for drug trafficking in Sucre

The FANB does not rest in its fight against organized crime
Photo: @Dhernandezlarez

Published at: 01/06/2024 10:06 AM

Members of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) destroyed a rock boat that was used by Structured Organized Crime Groups (GEDO) operating in the state of Sucre to transport drugs.

This was reported by the strategic operational commander of the FANB, G/J Domingo Hernández Lárez, who explained that the vessel was found hidden off the coast of the Guarataro sector, Arismendi municipality, of the said entity.

“FANB maintains its active deployment in the frontal fight against organized crime groups, for the welfare of the population and the full exercise of our sovereignty. Procedure notified to the Public Ministry,” said the senior military officer.

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