

FANB completes bridge over the Cuyuní River to connect Essequiba with Guiana

Unión de Pueblo and FANB is vital to exercise sovereignty
Courtesy: CEOFANB Press

Published at: 11/05/2024 04:59 PM

After several engineering works were carried out on the Territorial Defensive System of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), the construction of the campaign bridge over the Cuyuní River to connect with the state of Guayana Esequiba was completed.

In this regard, the Strategic Operational Commander of the FANB, GJ. Domingo Hernández Lárez, explained that the purpose is to bring harmony and progress.

“Machinery will pass through, we will build schools, universities, health centers, supply centers, interconnection roads, commerce and many other productive projects in favor of our Essequiban compatriots,” he specified.

The commander announced that the engineers and sappers carried out their work on mobility and countermobility missions in fulfillment of the mission. He added that the union of the people and FANB is vital to exercise sovereignty. “For us, the homeland comes first. Advancing steadily and without fear on the Cuyuní River”.