

FALCON/Falconian people demonstrated that the streets belong to the people with a historic march in support of the Revolution (+Photos)

No one can stop Chavismo and that's why today Cabello marched with the town of the Dabajuro municipality in Falcón
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 02/05/2024 07:29 PM

This Thursday, May 2, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, stressed that no one stops Chavism and that is why today he went to march with the people of the Dabajuro municipality in Falcón state.

“The sun doesn't hurt us, that's to say to others, if the sun hits them, it even gives them dermatitis,” Cabello said during the march in support of President Nicolás Maduro and against the blockade in Falcón.

He also mentioned the accusations of the opposition that yesterday he was for Falcón. “They were saying: 'That bug, the Diosdado, is out there, generating violence'; and since I made them move the act, they moved the act because they didn't have people, that's the truth,” he said.

He recalled that yesterday he marched with the workers of the Homeland in Caracas. “What a beautiful march, what a beautiful thing! And then I made the Mazo, but since I don't like anyone, I don't like anyone, the Mazo ended, I grabbed my car and we came to Falcón,” he said and sent a greeting to President Nicolás Maduro with the People.

“We will take to the streets, as one, to defend the Revolution and to defend the Fatherland, if they decide to leave as they are prepared, on the side of violence. We will catch them in the downhill and they will find us!” , said Cabello.

“I am proud and happy! It was worth it to drive here, to meet you, to feel people, to embrace them, because when you embrace a woman, you embrace all the women of Falcón State, when you embrace a young man, you embrace all young people, just like a peasant, and together we are embracing Chávez,” said the first vice-president of the PSUV.

He emphasized that “With Chávez and Maduro in the streets, we are going to the streets, we are going to the revolutionary victory!”

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