

Fabricio Ojeda: Rebellious spirit that continues to fill the People with moral strength (+murder)

Fabricio Ojeda

Published at: 21/06/2024 08:00 AM

On June 21, 1966, by the repressive forces of the Adeco-Copeyan governments, the revolutionary leader Fabricio Ojeda, who led the Patriotic Junta that forged the overthrow of the dictator Marcos Pérez Jiménez, was assassinated.

Born in the city of Boconó, Trujillo state, on February 6, 1929, Ojeda, who practiced the profession of journalist in important Venezuelan newspapers, promoted the organization of a front aimed at promoting the fight against the Perejimenist dictatorship, which succeeded on January 23, 1958, but which was taken advantage of by those who, from abroad, were waiting to seize power in the country with the support and approval of imperialism.

After the dictatorship was overthrown, he was elected deputy of the extinct Congress of the Republic, a position he resigned after rebelling against the betrayal orchestrated by the political caste led by the adeco Rómulo Betancourt, the Copeyan Rafael Caldera and the Urredist Jóvito Villalba.

“So, Mr. President, summon the respective alternate because I have come out to fulfill the oath I took before you to defend the Constitution and laws of the country. If I die, it doesn't matter, others will come after us who will pick up our rifle and flag to continue with dignity, which is the ideal and duty of all our people,” the revolutionary read to all his parliamentary colleagues, thus announcing his incorporation into the Venezuelan guerrilla movement.

Already incorporated into the guerrilla struggle, he assumed the pseudonym “Roberto” to form part of the western block of the Armed Forces of National Liberation (FALN), where he obtained the rank of Commander. At the end of 1962, after a series of fights, he was arrested on a highway in Acarigua and sentenced by a court-martial to serve an 18-year prison sentence for the crime of rebellion, and was imprisoned in the Trujillo National Prison, from where he escaped in September of the following year.

On June 17, 1966, Fabricio was arrested by the Armed Forces Information Service (SIFA) in Playa Grande, La Guaira state, from where he was transferred to the cells of the White Palace where he was subjected to torture and on June 21 his body, simulating his suicide, was found.

On January 23, 2017, by order of the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, the remains of this distinguished revolutionary, an example of the gallantry and perseverance of the people, were transferred to the National Pantheon, who did not hesitate to describe Fabricio as the most significant leader of the Venezuelan twentieth century.

Today, 58 years after this vile assassination, the Venezuelan people raise the flags of the brave Fabricio Ojeda's struggle, to continue with their strength and determination to fight imperialism and its right-wing lackeys with the slogan of “fight until you win!”

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