

Executive Vice President: The will of the world is for Palestine to join the UN as a full member

Vice President Delcy Rodríguez: “Israel was born as a State with a very clear concept, the extermination of the Palestinian people”
Photo: Social Network X

Published at: 15/05/2024 02:04 PM

During the event in solidarity with the Palestinian People, from La Plazoleta outside the Humboldt Hotel, in the Waraira Repano, Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez, pointed out that Zionism has seized the main centers of power to impose itself on the will of the entire world.

Rodríguez assured that the will of the entire world is for Palestine to join the United Nations Organization as a full member, “this is not a whim of a group of countries, the world that screams that Palestine must join

Israel was born as a State with a very clear concept, the extermination of the Palestinian people, it was not a question of eugenics as it pretends to show. That territory belongs to Palestine, the rest is an invention of the British to give space to those who do not belong to them,” said the Vice President.

In that sense, he insisted that this territory has always belonged to Palestine, “the rest was an imperialist invention pushed by the United States, from day one.”

“76 years after the catastrophe, if there is one people that must nourish other civilizations from their self-determination to freedom, it is the Palestinian people, their souls are free because they have resisted.”

The Vice President quoted the words of Commander Hugo Chávez from a letter she sent to the UN in 2011, “it must be said in all its letters, Zionism has an absolutely racist vision of the world”.

“Nowadays in the world there are demonstrations, protests, in solidarity for Palestine, but a handful of Zionist countries are opposed to the recognition of the existence of Palestine,” he added.

The Vice-President emphasized the dignity of the Palestinian people, they are free and stand up defending their right to self-determination, to their sovereignty, to their territorial integrity, an example for the world.

“From Venezuela, our struggle persists day by day to consolidate national independence, self-determination, the right to be free, to decide by our own judgment our political, economic and cultural system,” he said.

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