

Executive Vice President invites to the 3rd International Progressive Theater Festival of Venezuela 2024

The International Progressive Theater Festival has 20 invited nations from Latin America, Europe and Africa, and will last for 10 days

Published at: 22/03/2024 03:25 PM

The Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez, invited the Venezuelan people this Friday to enjoy the I II International Festival of Progressive Theater of Venezuela 2024, inaugurated on March 21 at the National Theater of Caracas.

“We invite all our people to enjoy with their families a varied program that includes national and international plays and other activities. Culture unites us and theater takes to the streets of the Homeland! “, said Rodríguez through his account on the social network X.

The third edition of this Festival began with a play by the Cuban group Impulso Teatro, with the piece Antigone and paid homage to the Venezuelan actress Aura Rivas.

On this occasion, Cuba is the country honored, while Rivas will be the actress who will receive celebrations with the staging of the play Aura in four times and the Exhibition The Theater has Aura.

The International Progressive Theater Festival has 20 invited nations from Latin America, Europe and Africa, and will last for 10 days.

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