

Executive Vice President inaugurates Mission Base in Antímano: “The Work of Commander Chávez”

He highlighted the participation of the missions that have accompanied the Venezuelan people during the 25 years of the Bolivarian Revolution

Published at: 03/02/2024 02:29 PM

The Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, led this Saturday the inauguration of the Mission Base in the La Pilita community, Antimano parish, in Caracas, as part of the activities commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution.

Along with national authorities, Rodríguez took a tour where he received requests for the improvement of infrastructure and telecommunications, to favor the more than 4,000 families that live in the community.

He highlighted the participation of the missions that have accompanied the Venezuelan people during the 25 years of the Bolivarian Revolution.

“The work of Commander (Hugo) Chávez and President Nicolás Maduro together with the People,” said the Vice President, congratulating the missionaries on the birthday of the Revolution, which, she said, belongs to all Venezuelans.

Rodríguez emphasized that, in the midst of the economic war, promoted by the United States (USA) and its allies against Venezuela, “ President Nicolás Maduro acting and protecting our people.”

“There are many more centuries left of government of the people, where true popular sovereignty resides, and not in surnames, whose only support is the bosses of the North,” said the Executive Vice President.

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