

Executive Vice President: Cultural resistance in Venezuela today is more alive than ever

Published at: 08/02/2024 06:23 PM

From the National Art Gallery, during a meeting with scholars and historians to discuss the second line of transformation, Full Independence, the Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, exalted this Thursday the cultural resistance of the People to the hegemonic powers that attempt to sow themselves in the world.

Rodríguez said that “cultural resistance today in Venezuela is more alive than ever in the face of hegemonic powers, in the face of Western culture, and it has been thanks to all of you, to all of you, with your expressions of love, of culture, with your original knowledge, with your popular knowledge.”

In this regard, he pointed out that the proposals presented during the day “are part of that liberating education that they ask us to bring to schools, to training, to unite our high school and our schools, the museums, to dismantle forever that position that museums and culture belonged to the elites, the culture that peoples make, the culture of heroic resistance is what the Venezuelan people do.”

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