

Executive Vice President celebrates 25 years of the Bolivarian Revolution: Two leaders, one project

Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez

Published at: 02/02/2024 12:46 PM

The Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, celebrated this Friday the 25th anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution, led by Commander Hugo Chávez, whose legacy has been consolidated with President Nicolás Maduro, who called for progress in seven transformations (7T) necessary for the country within the framework of socialism.

From the Bolivarian University of Venezuela (UBV), during his participation in the debate on the Plan for Recovery and Transformation 7T, Rodríguez praised the extraordinary positive balance in these two and a half decades, “in what has meant the transformation of the social model, the construction of a solid system of missions and great social missions to protect the People, in all instances and at all junctures.”

Rodríguez stated that the Revolution is represented in “two leaders, a single political project, it was not a puntofijist alternation, where the country project was not a sovereign country, not independence, but a surrender of our wealth, it was political power at the service of large transnational corporations, of hegemonic centers of power.”

He stressed that “the seven transformations that President Nicolás Maduro has called us to are precisely to consolidate the social model, of inclusion, of justice, of equality, of equity, that is inspired by nothing more and nothing less than the Angostura speech of our Liberating Father: the maximum social happiness for our People”.

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