

Everything is being flipped over! Learn how La Sayo reacted to the dialogue between Venezuela and the United States

La Sayona
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 03/07/2024 09:02 PM

From the West Wing of The White House - Washington D.C.

July 3rd, 2024.

Hello my friend Furrialeño, how are you? I am writing to you quickly before going to the supermarket to buy the meat and the last things for the barbecue that I will do tomorrow at my pool party for Independence Day, by the way, you like grills with sausage, cob, black pudding or just meat.

Well Brother, everything I have informed you has been fulfilled to the letter. Last week I warned you that the Biden administration officially took a turn in the face of what lies ahead: the imminent triumph of Nicolás Maduro. In addition to the powerful interest that gringos have in re-establishing diplomatic relations and even the aspirations of several U.S. officials to go out and settle down again in Caracas.

I also told you that instructions had been issued to senior State Department officials to “tone it down” on the Venezuela issue and to be more respectful when referring to the government of President Maduro. As in this program we are not deceiving, today Mr. Brian Nichols offered a very calm and fine statement, assuring that the United States is always open to dialogue with Nicolás Maduro. Wow! , look that Diosdado has seen things, that change in the diplomacy of Nichols, who has never stopped attacking us, cannot go unnoticed and must be read between the lines.

Let's go with the horror story. It turns out that the announcement made on Monday by President Maduro in his program, about the resumption of direct dialogue between the Venezuelan government and the government of the United States, fell like a flash bomb on the extremist sectors of the Venezuelan opposition, Bro! , they were dry and sheared.

Our friend La Charlotte, let us remind our deacon seers that she works in the White House, by the way Diosdado, greet her in English. Well, she will come to my “pool party” and she confirmed that neither María Corina Machado's team, nor the opposition negotiating committee in Barbados, knew about the resumption of direct Maduro-Biden dialogue. Charlotte reminded me that the Biden administration preferred to keep their actions secret because they are disgusted with all that opposition leadership because of the lack of seriousness in their actions and their links to serious acts of corruption.

In response to this severe blow, María Corina, through her operators who are in the Embassy of Argentina, ordered to mount a dirty war campaign activating journalists, influencers, media and bots, Brother! , spent thousands of dollars to position the narrative that it was Nicolás Maduro who sought this dialogue with the United States because, according to them, Nicolás is desperate and seeks to negotiate his surrender. My Friend Diosdado, this happens to that opposition because they don't understand what we say in the deck, because we have been warning for a while about the shift in White House politics towards Venezuela.

What is true, and Charlotte confirms this to me, is that Joe Biden's government hasn't been waiting several months for SuperBigote to answer the phone. Charlotte told me that emissaries had been sent from Madrid and other parts of the world to reactivate the conversations. The truth is that the Joe Biden government wants stability for the region, to stop migration and they need energy for the strong winter that is coming, as I always tell you, the gringos will never accept our Bolivarian revolution, but this time they will make a truce for the benefit of their economic, social and energy interests.

Diosdado, if you talk to Palma de Coco in the next few days, tell him not to give more money to that opposition. I tell you that they are crazy looking for resources to set up a communication situation room and a quick vote count for the elections of 28J, Palma de Coco must understand that these opponents know that this will be their last scrape of the pot and they want to poop on it.


In Quinta Bejucal, chairs were broken, tables were broken and the screams never stopped, a scene that resembled a horror movie about chuky mixed with the exorcist, and that is because MariaViolencia's demons came down when she found out that the gringos were subtly removing the carpet.

In private conversations, María Corina expressed her annoyance with Ambassador Palma de Coco and swore that it would make life impossible for her to do worse than Toy Story, who ended up far away in Senegal after wanting to return to live in Valle Arriba. María Corina's anger is so great that she called on her personal sorcerer to cast a spell on Biden, her bet is that they will withdraw Biden's nomination as a Democratic candidate.

Everything is turning around for La Sayo and I tell you that Vente Venezuela seems like an insane asylum because of the start of the campaign, they are calling for a caravan that will supposedly travel all over the capital, but I warn you, be alert! they are paying motorized vehicles to put them like cannon fodder and have a kind of clash group in case they cross paths with the mobilization of Chavismo, pending this.

Remember that María Corina's plan, using Edmundo González's letter, is to incite a climate of violence prior to the elections to justify her scenario of fraud. We must warn about the false positives they will seek to sow in the coming days and tell our people not to fall into provocation, because they have a plan in place to victimize themselves.


By the way, La Sayo and Inmundo González are arguing about whether to issue a message to the Bolivarian National Armed Forces for Independence Day this July 5. Their narrative is that of calling on our military to put themselves on what they call “the right side”, just as they did when Guaidó. They will also seek to confuse them with empty words, telling them that they must act against the regime that has them passing on needs to them and their families.

Diosdado, La Sayo detests and hates the FANB, and is still somewhat reluctant to record the message, but there are advisors who are pressuring her.

It's a time for definitions, says a good friend. For this reason, it cannot be forgotten that La Sayo has been the main leader of extremism in attacking the FANB and identifying the military as terrorists, drug traffickers and corrupt people.

Remember that I am your fine, fitness and important friend.