

Everything goes through your filter! Adecos shocked by Sayo's siege of Inmundo (+puppet)

“The Sayo”, Maria Corina Machado
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 15/05/2024 10:58 PM

For: My Company Diosdado

From: Artamira.

Good night... dear brother Diosdado...

I hope you 're feeling well as always... here it's work...

Maíta has a lot of requests. Your show has Arto Raitinn in the opposition, the broadcasts don't peel off... they liked the change of schedule...

I have another story for you... These days a trio of very heated Adecos arrived at the restaurant here in Artamira. I went out once and for all to attend to them, one of them is known in Maturín as Piero Maroun, who several times dreamed of being Arcarde in Maturín and even Governor of the Monagas state, I recognized him because he was the one who sawed Carlos Prosperi the position of secretary of AD. Among the other supporters was a certain Edgar Zambrano, who hugged a lot with Juanito Alimaña and the other diner was José Trujillo Vera, secretary of AD in the state of Aragua.

I gave them the letter, but they ordered some lemonades in advance... everyone was stressed out from a fan meeting...

Er Piero Maroun commented that he no longer knows what to do with the other suitable militants in the regions. Everyone is upset with the discrimination that La Sayona is doing when she goes to the municipalities. Edgar Zambrano meanwhile grumbled, muttering “that woman speaks her mouth outside the Unit but secretly despises us.”, referring of course to Sayona. He also criticized that Ramos Allup was absolutely silent in the face of Sayona's mistreatment, not just the adecos.

Among other complaints, I kept saying something arrogant, how is that possible? that Tequeño Cruo and Alfonso Marquina traveled urgently in a van from Maracaibo to Trujillo, only so that none of the Adecos in Trujillo met with La Sayona until they had the adecos in the city of Valera get off the stage. Piero Maroun intervened saying that they are scoundrels. The truth is that while they were drinking the lemonade, they decided to order two empanadas each of parboiled eggs, cheese and coriander, a specialty that Maíta makes.

When I returned to serve them the request, there was José Trujillo, leader of AD in the state of Aragua, complaining about a lady by the name of María Teresa Clavijo, head of the Sayona campaign in the state of Aragua, who had not wanted to attend to him. Apparently this lady playing in advance took over the next INMUNDO event that will take place on Saturday, May 18 in the town of La Victoria in the state of Aragua. Adeco Piero complained that he had no idea how to get Ramos Allup to get on the stage for the photo, with the INMUNDO even though I didn't have much hope that he would attend because Ramos Allup doesn't want it to happen to him like when I raise my hand to Juanito Alimaña in Maracay, Aragua state, much less appear next to Sayona. Edgar Zambrano who couldn't talk about how choking he was... At a time when he had recommended wearing white flags as at the time of the proper pilgrimages even if Sayona banned it, by the way Edgar Zambrano confessed that Sayona has a siege against INMUNDO (the puppet himself)... they have to go through his approval filter first. In addition, the jealousy that exists with respect to Tequeño Cruo, who has already gone ahead with Richard Mardo to do the same as in the city of Maracaibo, according to they have prepared a show to look good with Sayona and her new dad er INMUNDO.

At the end of the trio of adecos, when they threw up the pie trays, they ended up asking for the bill and by the way they even asked me for a discount... these people are more stingy than those from First Justice.

Well my brother Diosdado, I say goodbye until next Wednesday...

Always wishing you the best, then I send you some naiboas for you and everyone present...

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