

Escarrà: Organic Law for the Defense of Guiana Esequiba has its origin in a popular mandate

Hernann Escarrà, Member of the National Assembly
Photo: Internet

Published at: 06/12/2023 04:23 PM

The Organic Law for the Defense of Guiana Esequiba has its origin in a popular mandate that was expressed through the consultative referendum of last December 3, said the constitutionalist and deputy to the National Assembly, Hermann Escarrà.

“This is a fundamental law whose origin is not directly foreseen in our constitution, its origin is a popular constitutional referendum. In other words, the constituent power of the people acted and left a mandate, the legislator said during the presentation of the said legal instrument in the plenary of the National Assembly.

In this regard, he stressed that the constituent power of the people was activated last Sunday just as, in his opinion, it does every time a referendum is held to consult the community on issues of vital importance to the country.

“The imprint of the Revolution has remained indelible. There is no democracy without a people, there is no other way to conceive it,” he said, while recalling that this situation reflects the thinking of the Supreme Commander, Hugo Chávez, who believed that the People should be the protagonists of their own destiny.

In the same way, he described as “inconsequential” the matrix of opinion that attempts to say that the popular consultation of 3-D is “not binding”. “How is sovereignty not binding, how is it that self-determination, independence, the decision of more than 10 million citizens is not binding?” , he questioned.

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