

Escarrà about the Organic Law for the Defense of Guiana Esequiba: It is a mandate of the People of Venezuela

Second discussion of the Organic Bill for the Defense of Guiana Esequiba

Published at: 21/03/2024 01:48 PM

During the second discussion of the Organic Bill for the Defense of Guiana Esequiba, in the Ordinary Session of the National Assembly, Deputy Hermann Escarrà pointed out that “this law is not just any law, its origin is a mandate from a popular referendum.”

“We are in the presence of a law whose nature, origin, genesis, is a referendum,” said Escarrà.

The Deputy clarified that in the constituent process 2017-2020, the pyramidal structure of legality in Venezuela changed, “now there are constituent laws, constitutional laws, organic laws, in that order as established by the Constituent Assembly 2017-2020.”

“We are not faced with a law that only follows the path of Article 203 of the Constitution, we are faced with a law that includes a mandate from the people of Venezuela, a sovereign, independent people, who reject any form of intervention and who are willing to defend their geographical space with their lives if necessary,” he added.

He also recalled that Venezuela effectively ignored the 1899 arbitration award and “we are unaware of the settlement between England and the United States against Venezuela”

In that regard, he maintained that Venezuela will continue to ignore all those who ask for military interventions, or who ask for interventions of another order in the area of the sovereignty of our people, “a people that, according to the act of independence, was born to be free, we are free and we will continue.”

“The debate continues today, there are some diminished voices despite the fact that the majority of the nation is represented here with the opposition and with the democratic Bolivarian force, those of us who are willing to defend what is ours, the Essequibo is ours, it was always ours and will be ours,” he said.

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