

Ernesto “Che” Guevara: Heroic Guerrilla Fighter Who Shines in the People's Struggles (+Birth)

Today, the peoples of the world raise the flags of this heroic guerrilla fighter and with their strength, they fight imperialism until they obtain the definitive victory that the eternal one always dreamed of.

Published at: 14/06/2024 08:00 AM

On June 14, 1928, the distinguished revolutionary Ernesto Guevara de la Serna was born in the city of Rosario, Argentina, who stood out for his rebellion and determination to fight against imperialism and any form of exploitation and domination.

Coming from an Argentinian middle class family, Guevara studied medicine at the University of Buenos Aires, a profession that he decided to practice with a special interest in caring for the humblest, revealing the immense social sensitivity that would mark the life of this giant.

This deep social vocation led him to embark on a journey across the continent that took him to tour South America on a motorcycle, being his greatest ideological turning point as he maintained contact with the humblest populations of this continent and knowing the reality to which they were condemned by exploitative capitalism.

After having traveled to the south of the continent, he decided to embark for Central America, arriving in Guatemala where he witnessed the overthrow of the popular leader Jacobo Arbenz, an action that led him to the decision to train to wage an armed struggle against imperialism.

After the overthrow of Arbenz, he left for Mexico, where he met the young Cuban Raul Castro, who later introduced him to his brother Fidel, who convinced him to join the 26th of July Movement, which was planning a guerrilla movement in Cuba.

This is how on December 2 he disembarks near Las Coloradas beach, in what is known as the Granma landing, where after overcoming the onslaught of Fulgencio Batista's armies, they manage to embed themselves in the Sierra Maestra from where they began the guerrilla struggle that would triumph on January 1, 1959.

After the triumph of the Bearded Revolution, Che, as Fidel named him, holds important positions in the revolutionary government, until he left for Bolivia to start a guerrilla movement in the heart of South America, an effort that failed due to the betrayal of some members of the guerrilla group, a betrayal that culminated in the death of the guerrilla leader on October 9, 1967, after being captured and later shot.

Today, the peoples of the world raise the flags of this heroic guerrilla fighter and with their strength, they fight imperialism until they obtain the definitive victory that the eternal Che always dreamed of.

“Every day we must fight so that this love for living humanity is transformed into concrete facts, into acts that serve as an example, of mobilization”.

Ernesto Guevara

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