

Erdogan urged the unity of Islamic countries against Israel's attack on Gaza

Erdogan stressed that his government is committed to the fight against crimes against humanity

Published at: 10/02/2024 03:09 PM

This Friday, the president of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, called on Islamic countries to act with unity in response to the current Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip.

“We continue our diplomatic contacts so that Islamic countries can act together against Israeli cruelty in Gaza,” Erdogan said in a video message at the V General Assembly of the Youth Forum for Islamic Cooperation, which is taking place in Istanbul.

In this regard, he asserted that his country continues to support the Palestinian people.

“We will continue our fight until an independent and territorially integrated Palestinian State is established on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital,” he emphasized.

As published by the Xinhua portal, Erdogan stressed that his government is committed to the fight against crimes against humanity.

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