

Emulating Juanito Alimaña? María Con Ira's plan to sabotage presidential election schedule

María Corina Machado is once again betting on a Government in Exile
Photo: Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 17/04/2024 10:09 PM

Patriota Valle Arriba Country Club

Hello Gordooooooooooooooooooo! My dear gordis of my life and my heart, you are like me, the more we have birthdays, the prettier we become. Diosdi Happy Birthday may God and the Virgin fill you with life, by the way, I bought you some moisturizing creams for your face, well you know that after a certain age it's time to take care of yourself, I'll give them to you on Sunday when you come to the club.

God, Oseaaaaaa hellloooooooooouu! , I'm in the Pan American Championship with Cori because we were at an event that she invented in Los Salias so as not to meet with Manu Rosales. Although here he has been complaining that it will be tomorrow.

Well Gordito, all wrong, thanks to Cori they reimposed the sanctions, besides he continues his fights with Rosales and the Unitary Platform.

Let's start with the Ministry of People's Power for Hypocrisy and Falsehood, then we move on to substance. Cori has been making a victim's speech for almost a month, saying that the government has prevented Corina the fake Yoris from registering with the CNE. Now, how do you explain that the collector of envelopes with money, Juan Carlos Caldera, the same one who comes out crying with happiness with Cori and La Cori fake, was super happy last week at the CNE marking the location of the MUD card on the electoral card? Who understands them? People must understand that everything is a deception, there I'll leave you a photo.

In the world of Cori's inconsistencies, she said that we would go all the way, what she never clarified to us is that the end would be a fight with the Botox kidnapper, Manu Rosales, to possibly end up supporting another maracucho associated with scorpions, not Baby, the truth is that is not acceptable either for us, Cori's friends, or for the militants of Vente Venezuela.

If the fortune-tellers don't know, I'll tell them. Cori no longer cares about the elections, she is working on setting up a circus to complicate the electoral scenario. Today Cori played the last card he had left and it was the pressure on Nico Maduro with the issue of sanctions, but since you are courageous and you painted popcorn on my friends the gringos, then Cori can no longer sell the illusion that they are going to register her from Washington.

Diosdado José, listen to me, the game doesn't end here. Cori is the façade of the interests of bankers who want to return to owning Venezuela like Nelson Merzerhane, Juan Carlos Escotet and Eligio Cedeño; Cori is the façade of media owners; Cori is the façade of ExxonMobil and investors interested in acquiring PDVSA; Cori is the façade of the interests of the IDEA Group, it would be a serious mistake to think that Cori will go to sleep peacefully, please.

Cori's plan b is progressing, to the point that María Corina's possible absence has already begun to be evaluated in front of the stage where she decides to leave the country or takes refuge in an embassy due to investigations carried out by the Public Ministry. If she manages to leave the country, she will insist on the path of a Government in Exile, which is why it is important in her speech to lie about the supposed three million votes in the primary, since recognition would not be based on the National Assembly as in the case of Guaidó, but on her supposed leadership that she claims to have.

Gordito, not that I like discord, but you should take out the statements of José María Casal where he assumes the fraud of October 22. The truth is that at Vente Venezuela and Magalli Meda from home, the Argentine ambassador, are looking for a spokesperson who can replace Cori.

By the way, Diodi, how is it that my friends at Vente continue to operate as if they were swimming from the Argentine embassy and every Monday they do their zoom meetings without problems, in fact they even connect to talk to President Petro? I didn't understand that permissiveness.

Seeing the disaster in Ecuador, I said to myself: “what would happen to myself if Diosdi Cabello entered the Argentinian embassy and took my friends prisoner”, the end of the world.

Well, no tricks or tricks here you can't fool yourself. Diosdado José, do you remember that the first time I told you about Carlos Julio Rojas was on September 6, 2023? , because Carlos Julio is the same one who is imprisoned today for the case of the assassination attempt against Nico Maduro, I had told you that he was never from our social class, but Cori wanted to use it for the flannel plan where the supposed Chavistas moved to Vente Venezuela, Cori also wanted it to create chaos and violence in the liberator municipality. Diosdado I warned you, but you didn't listen to me because you prefer to call me toxic.

Well my pretty eyes, I never tire of telling you that complex days are coming, I just hope that the Venezuelan people know how to understand and resist. I'm not proud that the country is once again sanctioned by Cori, but hey, you can't control the madness of the friends.

I don't know much about PJ because I didn't go to the hairdresser this week so I couldn't talk to Chiquis, my hairdresser who dates a PJ goat.

I feel like in the movie Lady and the Wanderer, I'm a princess and you're a crab. Miss me, remember that you are my baby Fiufiu.