

Elvis Amoroso: The European Union has become a biased and aggressive actor

Elvis Amoroso, president of the National Electoral Council (CNE)
Photo: Internet

Published at: 29/05/2024 12:45 PM

The European Union has become a biased, aggressive, interventionist actor that seeks to interfere in the decisions that the Electoral Power takes in a sovereign manner, said the President of the National Electoral Council (CNE), Elvis Amoroso.

In this regard, through an Amoroso statement, he repudiated a recent pronouncement by the European Bloc in which considerations are issued that are the exclusive competence of Venezuelans, becoming a new interventionist act.

“The European Union has behaved like a biased and aggressive actor, which violates national dignity and also becomes a factor of disturbance to electoral processes, maintaining the illegal and illegitimate application of coercive, unilateral and genocidal measures, with the sole objective of causing harm to the Venezuelan population,” Amoroso said.

In the same way, Amoroso highlighted that the elections on July 28 will have an extensive oversight program in which dozens of prestigious international organizations will participate, as well as more than 250 personalities, who will have the responsibility to attest to how robust the Venezuelan electoral system is.

“The Venezuelan National Electoral Council confirms that until the European Union lifts all the coercive, unilateral and genocidal sanctions imposed against the people of Venezuela affecting their children, elderly, sick women, students and businessmen, their presence in any electoral process that takes place in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, a nation that decided to be free forever by the absolute will of the people. We demand that their hostility, the neocolonial practices, the siege and interventionism they exercise in the internal affairs of Venezuela cease,” reads the statement.

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