

Egodly and paranoid! Learn about La Sayo's plans to remove Inmundo and discover alleged traitors

The betrayal and opportunism present in the opposition

Published at: 03/07/2024 11:00 PM

From: Chuito Salazar López

For: My Company Diosdado

From: Artamira.

Very good night my great brother Diosdado... greetings also to all your audience... I am writing to you again from here from the Artamira Urbanization...

It turns out that today a man with a complicated name arrived at the restaurant... a certain Biagio... and since I'm curious, I asked my GPT chat who told me that it was Biagio Pilieri, the only one left of the chiriperos of the Convergence party... this man arrived accompanied by a person who wore an apple-green flannel and was the embroidered name of Robert Garcia, my GPT chat also told me that it was a Copeyan...

The two of them immediately ordered a shrimp meringue and two empanadas each, of garlic shrimp... and to put it to carry two more chicharronada... While taking his order, Biagio Pilieri said in a low voice to Robert García that during all the tours in the state of Táchira it was Thursday, June 27 and Friday, June 28, Sayona kept saying that she “doesn't want any more betrayals”... Biagio kept saying “that woman is traumatized by the betrayals of 2015 when they didn't support her to be a deputy... the one in 2017 when they left her alone with the popular consultation... and the one in 2021 when she called for abstention and all the opposition ignored her”... with all this, according to Biagio, Sayona has a feeling that someone close to her will betray her again... and that's why she no longer trusts anyone...

Biagio Pilieri also got away with his mouth full of shrimp empanada... that Sayona expressed her disagreement with El Pataruco traveling to Bolívar state... much less attending Barlovento, Miranda state... since she doesn't want the Pataruco to be with Primero Justicia much and less with Capriles... in fact, when Sayona saw the photo of the activity in Paparo with Capriles... his eyebrows shook... and he went to the bathroom... the rest was left to the imagination... Biagio Pilieri, commented that Sayona had called Andrés Velásquez to report everything that happened during the Pataruco's visit to Puerto Ordaz, since according to her she doesn't want Er Pataruco to have much contact with the Adecos, those of UNT and those of PJ...

Robert Garcia commented after eating the two empanadas that the Ramones clan recently held a meeting with Er Pataruco from which they came out very concerned... because complaints came up against Sayona... for her mistreatment against poor Pataruco... especially because she wants to be the protagonist of the film... in addition to making gestures of contempt to the old man when he wants to express advice... right now Biagio Pilieri It came out... “you already know what Sayona is like”... even knowing the limitations of Pataruco and against all medical recommendations... Sayona imposed a tailor-made campaign schedule for her to be the star of the moment... So Robert Garcia exclaimed “poor old man... he doesn't know what awaits him”... Biagio also took advantage of this moment of his relief to complain about the mistreatment of La Sayona during the mass that was scheduled for June 16 to celebrate the 31st anniversary of the Convergence party... which was attended by 60 people despite having issued invitations to the adecos... to the Copeyans... to the gang from PJ... and some from VP... because according to Biagio doesn't get along with those people...

Biagio sadly recalling that moment, confessed to Robert Garcia that Sayona in the middle of the church didn't even give him peace... despite being by her side... He didn't say a word to her since he arrived. ... Sayona was aware only of who was approaching Pataruco... Biagio whispered to Robert Garcia that Sayona didn't even give alms to the Church... Well, these people got up from the table, they thanked me for my service, promising that they would return... because being Maíta's season is being the best of all Artamira... that's a lot of thanks but no tips... I say goodbye to Diosdado ... I must prepare all the stews for the empanadas... a huge hug... I will be watching throughout the campaign... let's hope that sales of empanadas will increase... Don't forget that you can write to me at EMPANADADECHUITOAROBARELGUISO.COM

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