

Educators from Ecuador protest against rising gasoline prices

The increase in the price of two types of fuel in Ecuador (Extra and Ecocountry gasolines) of 0.26 cents on the dollar has generated protests from different sectors

Published at: 18/07/2024 07:30 PM

The National Union of Educators of Ecuador (UNE) demonstrated this Thursday on Avenida 10 de Agosto and Bogotá, in Quito, in rejection of the government of Daniel Noboa and its neoliberal policies, such as the elimination of fuel subsidies.

The president of the UNE, Andrés Quishpe, warned that “Carlos Castellano, president of the Popular Front of Pichincha, and Noemi Tipasi, leader of the Federation of Pichincha Merchants and Markets (FEDECOMIP), were arrested by police officers”, after the sit-in held this Thursday morning.

The increase in the price of two types of fuel in Ecuador (Extra and Ecocountry gasolines) of 0.26 cents on the dollar has generated protests from different sectors since its implementation on June 28.

This measure translates into a direct increase in the cost of living, in a country where social inequalities are increasingly worsening, plunging families into poverty.