

Edmundo González finally went out in public and couldn't hide his fear of Sayo

Published at: 15/05/2024 09:15 PM

The leading candidate of the extreme right, Edmundo González, has already begun to emerge from who knows where he was hidden. In one of his few public appearances, he gave statements with his “puppeteer” María Corina Machado, who barely allowed him to speak and seemed to keep the old aspirant frightened.

This is how the candidate of the United States and his last names has not been able to get them to let him speak freely and he has to settle for continuing to let himself be seen in photos that Machado It shows during the squalid mobilizations it organizes in the country and they intend to sell as massive.

Faced with this situation and seeing Edmundo scared next to the disabled one, one wonders: Where would that Edmundo who spoke badly about women be left?

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