

Ecuador: Defensa de Glas demands release and surrender to the Mexican government

Defense is getting ready to participate in the Habeas Corpus appeal hearing
Photo: Internet

Published at: 15/05/2024 08:49 AM

The defense of the former vice-president of Ecuador, Jorge Glas, and international legal organizations are preparing to participate in the judicial hearing to appeal the writ of habeas corpus demanding the release of the former vice-president and his surrender to the government of Mexico.

Telesur explained that Edison Loayza, part of the technical defense of Glas -vice-president of the country from 2013 to 2017-, held a press conference in which he said that they are still waiting for the date to hold the judicial hearing.

He indicated that international organizations and jurists will participate in the habeas corpus appeal, including the Puebla Group, the Lawfare Observatory and the Argentinian jurist Eugenio Zaffaroni, under the name of “amicus curiae” (friends of the court).

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