

Don't wash or lend the pan! La Sayo wins enemies on the right by exclusiente and Pichirre

Patriota Chuito with details of the last opposition meeting
Photo: Internet

Published at: 12/06/2024 08:28 PM

From: Chuito Salazar López

For: My Company Diosdado

From: Artamira.

My dear brother Diosdado, good night and a big hug, I write to you again, always taking time out while ordering from the restaurant...

This time he visited the place here in Artamira, Tomas “Pamperito” Guanipa himself, I recognized him by his red eyes and his smell of brandy came accompanied by another man called Rachid, it seemed like a strange name and that's why I consulted my new ChatGPT, the last generation, who told me that he was Rachid Yasbek, coordinator of First Justice in the Bolivar state and who has always dreamed of being the governor of the state of Bolívar , supported by Capriles...

From what I heard, Rachid Yasbek was arriving from Bolivar state, he was called for an urgent meeting at Primero Justicia here in Caracas, but Tomas “Pamperito” Guanipa told him that before going to the meeting he would tell him what had happened in Bolivar state.

At that, Tomas “Pamperito” Guanipa paused and said something to the priest that if he sold daiquiri, I told him I could prepare it for him but without rum, so he immediately wrinkled his forehead, preferring to opt for a cardboard with lemon fur ice and he told me that he would bring him three empanadas at once for him and five for his friend Rachid Yasbek, who was very hungry for a trip, coinciding in choosing empanadas known as peluas (meat and yellow cheese), Maíta's specialty.

As he wrote down his order, he listened to Rachid Yasbek, who complained about Sayona's visit to the Bolivar state. Among the regrets, he referred to the discrimination of La Sayona with regard to the treatment offered to the regional leaders of the other parties, including even Andrés Velásquez himself, who is one of those who crawl and drool for the Sayona.

Rachid Yasbek commented on a meeting convened by the Sayona, with all the political parties in the state of Bolivar, which he found out through carambola and when he arrived at the room that was silent, he was mistreated and placed away from the rest of the leaders present, the majority of the Vente organization, before the contemptuous gaze of Tequeño Cruo at this moment Tomas “Pamperito” Guanipa said that Tequeño Cruo is unrecognizable, “that lady changed him”, it seems Who is a member of Vente...

Rachid Yasbek said that with her uncomfortable and annoying face, Sayona... she preferred not to ask for resources and to show a friendly face...

Among other things, Rachid Yasbek said with some nostalgia that he had seen the real ones being handed over to Douglas Rodríguez, Regional Sales Coordinator in the former Bolivar state, so that he could pay for logistics, hydration, flannels, caps and even to see sound, that by the way Sayona complained about being a terrible sound in her own words...

Turning to the complainer of Rachid Yasbek, he commented that he was very “stingy” Douglas Rodríguez only gave a tajaíta to his people at Vente, leaving out everyone else, including Andrés Velásquez, Tequeño Cruo and Dersa Solorzano, who by the way was not invited to this meeting.

Rachid Yasbek kept complaining that he had to pay all the bus drivers who took people to the events and he was thankful that if it weren't for him, the street corners wouldn't be filled up.

At that moment Tomas “Pamperito” Guanipa parmaíta gave him a shot so that he could get tired and not choke on the empanadas, apparently he ran out of liquids in his business and that's why he couldn't eat.

Tomas “Pamperito” Guanipa , said with his mouth full, how good, that you had patience, that he had said the same words to a group of university students, when they asked him for resources to go on a tour of the country, since Sayona had joyfully shaken them by telling them that “there is no money” and then it was the same students with er INMUNDO, who answered them diplomatically that “the money is held by Sayona”... but according to Tomas “Pamperito” Guanipa the students confessed to him that they knew that there was money because the boys from Vente did have the real ones... that's why they see themselves wearing new caps, new flannels, new sports shoes, eating in restaurants, while they have forgotten them...

Rachid Yasbek, perhaps seeking comfort with Tomas Pamperito Guanipa, gossiped to him with a smile, which he heard when Andrés Velásquez borrowed $20 from Dersa Solorzano to buy lunch and Dersa Solorzano twisted his mouth as if to ask Sayona, that's why Andrés Velásquez was also busy because in passing he had to assume a debt to some trade unionists to whom they promised $30 to have their picture taken with Sayona, but to top it all off, they never got paid.

Rachid Yasbek kept saying people in Bolívar were upset, nobody wants to know anything about the commands, they say it's a farce, the adecos don't want to appear in anything... apparently Francisco Sucre from Popular Will and Raúl Yusef from UNT, are preparing a request to reimburse everything they paid in Bolívar state, because Douglas Rodríguez de Vente took all that money.

Once again, Tomas “Pamperito” Guanipa interrupted, commenting that the event in the state of Derta Amacuro had been much worse... and that's why he preferred to hang out with the “old pataruco”, because it was easier to manipulate... Even the journalists in Bolívar state complained about the mistreatment... because Sayona didn't want them around... the last straw was when La Sayona ordered that she only wanted Luis Gonzalo Pérez, a correspondent for NTN24, something that impressed the other journalists, who were offended, by the insistent preference for these journalists and the siege imposed so that they would not have access to the exclusive... there were many comments...

Who will this journalist be? , Why the preference? Well Tomas “Pamperito” Guanipa finished eating and asked me for an arka-serzer but I preferred to deny it to him, to see if he opted for a fish crusader, but he was stingy and preferred to ask for the bill that gave $19, he paid with a $20 bill and waited to see if it was true that it was a $1... I finished handing it to him to go away, everyone is the same as Diosdado.

Now I will continue to serve customers who have a good night my brother Diosdado, tell your audience that they can also visit me here in Artamira, I'll give them a discount...

Don't forget that you can write to the mail!


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